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Enhancing Joy in the Classroom


"Boredom is a disease of epidemic proportions.
Why are our schools not places of joy?"

- John Goodlad

In regards to my chosen CSTP and self-selected inquiry focus, what would I like my reality to be?

  I would like to see my class be excited to share their work, engage in academic content, and have lively discussions about art. My ideal classroom would foster encouragement for sharing and curiosity for art. Because I teach visual art, discussion is an often-used tool. When I allow the opportunity for students to share their work freely, they are able to open up their own lives and passions to each other and the opportunity for making connections is widened. 


  When speaking about art, the topics are regularly political and personal. Many times students have feelings and opinions that differ. The reality where joy and learning successfully partner in the classroom is when students can share differing ideas without conflict or stonewalling. I hope that all of our conversations, debates, and critiques are free-flowing and fluid, and led by students in an intuitive and tension-free way. 

How can I close the gap between my reality and ideal?

  I would like to see my class be excited to share their work, engage in academic content, and have lively discussions about art. My ideal classroom would foster a sense of sharing and curiosity for art. Because I teach visual art, discussion is a heavily used tool. When I allow the opportunity for students to share their work freely, they are able to open up their own lives and passions to each other and the opportunity for making connections is widened. 


  When speaking about art, the topics are regularly political and personal. Many times students have feelings and opinions that differ. The reality where joy and learning successfully partner in the classroom is when students can share differing ideas without conflict or stonewalling. I hope that all of our conversations, debates and critiques are free flowing and fluid, and led by students in an intuitive and tension free way. 

What actions will you take to promote success for your historically underserved students?

   Underserved students are commonly unheard, and not given the opportunity to share and be involved. In the quest for enhancing joy, I am adjusting the way we listen to our students and encourage them to speak to each other. The practice of having gallery time and the warm up activity gives everyone in the class the opportunity to share if they so elect. I believe the practices I am putting in place will enhance joy for our underserved students but also provide them with more opportunity to be involved and engaged. 


   Because I work in a digital environment, we have visual signals (raising hands/reactions/chat box) that notify me if someone has a thought or comment they would like to share. No one gets forgotten or left behind, and with careful planning, we have room for everyone to be heard. This practice encourages positive responses to each student's work and enhances joy by cultivating a feeling of community. 

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